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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

nurse jackie!

Belize, Belize, Belize!

So Monday night we grabbed some food at a local stand before doing some TurboJam back at the hotel.... Yes, you heard right, TurboJam!! (It's mine, of course!) Since it was a long day and we worked out, everyone pretty much passed out afterwards...

Tuesday we learned about DIARRHEA in training!!!! Nurse Jackie told us anything and EVERYTHING we need to know about diarrhea, among other pleasant diseases! We also had another session of kriol to spice up our language some more!! Otherwise, training was pretty basic. We did learn that we can avoid custom fees for packages sent within the first 6 months, so if you wanna send me a package.... do it now! haha That way we get out of that fee! 

I was exhausted after all the training and hardly sleeping, that I took a nice, LONG nap after training. (On my boxspring bed, haha). Around 8 o'clock we celebrated our first PC birthday! A fellow trainee, Chris, turned 27! My roomie, Kim, along with Molly and Zach made him a cake out of chocolate icing and Belizean cookies.... it tasted like a GIANT Dungaroo!!! Do you remember those things? Mmmmmm!

Today we had long training sessions. But it was worth the wait because after lunch we played jeopardy to find out our CBT sites! (Community Based Training sites where we will be with a host family for 5 weeks). Everyone is psyched!!! I am going to be living in a RURAL Mayan village called San Martin Village (pronounced San Marteen) just south of Belmopan.  There are three people in my training site, 2 guys and me. I probably won't have any internet access except for on Fridays when we come back for training in Belmopan, so I'll keep posting when possible!!! I'm excited! That's all for now!

ps... i miss American food.


  1. Really miss you. So how far from Belmopan will you be? If you are leaving for San Matin tomorrow, does that mean we will not hear from you untila week from Fri? Will your phone work?
    Have fun. I sent you a letter & a package.
    Love u, Mom

  2. Mal! haha I can't believe you brought Turbo Jam... you have to pack as much as you can to take for 2 years and you decide to take Turbo Jam!? That's AWESOME! And I loved Dungaroos! So that cake sounds amazing lol. Glad to hear about all this cool stuff & so glad that you love it!


Washing Pan Di Rock

Washing Pan Di Rock
Crique Jute Village